Contact us: 507-931-5637


Battle of the Teams Vegas Shoot 

1st Place- Trent Kleeberger, Dustin Brown, Darrel Perry- Score 1186

2nd Place- Caitlin Griffin, William Van Vorst, Eric Olson- Score 1165

3rd Place- Paul Fay, Todd Nepper, Caitlin Griffin-  Score 1141

4th Place- Lyle Eiden, Donnie Fromm, Tonya Slack- Score 1123

5th Place- Tony Schaffer, Alex Schaffer, Willian Van Vorst- Score 1105

6th Place- Barton Hipp, Tonya Slack, Eric Olson- Score 1091

Oak Ridge Archery

Address: 840 N Rice St. Kasota, MN 56050 Phone: (507) 931-5637

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